martes, 27 de enero de 2015


Sorry I'm late with the update, I'm currently playing Alien Isolation and me being a fan of the alien franchise I'm having nerdgasms all over the place.
But anyway, on the update, did some more work on the storyboard and started the first CG for the intro.


lunes, 19 de enero de 2015


Ok, so I decided to give the CG thing a try, from a development point of view, I think it will be faster, and if it ends up not being the optimal solution, I can add those sketches to the unlockable content.


lunes, 12 de enero de 2015


Started the storyboard today. Debating with myself if I should use CG's on the intro or use game graphics only. 

lunes, 5 de enero de 2015

Report# Restarting

Ok, so last festivity of the season is tomorrow, so finally I'm free to start working properly again, I did some progress on the week, but nothing "tangible", more like some more planning on how will I actually draw the scene for the intro, so not all was lost.


Entrada destacada

Chibi SpacEscape Road Map

I'm gonna pin this post here to let you know what's to come, what I'm currently working on, and what will the next version have....